Web page: Neuroscience Content Online

Philip Dorrell p at dorrell.demon.co.uk
Sun Sep 15 00:50:20 EST 1996

The full name of my new web page is "Neuroscience Journals and other Content 
Online". It is at -


The page contains links only to web sites that provide readable neuroscience
content. It is therefore a very good starting point for anyone who wants to
learn about neuroscience via the Web.

Links it contains include -
* Web sites for neuroscience journals that provide online abstracts or 
* Web sites for journals that provide online abstracts or articles, some of 
which are about neuroscience or related topics.
* Databases which can be used to access written material related to 
* Online books and booklets on or related to neuroscience.
* Virtual poster sessions

Links it does not include -
* Web sites for journals with tables of contents and subscription instructions
* Web sites with lists of links to other web sites
* Web sites with departmental staff lists
(unless ofcourse the above sites also contain readable content)

It now takes me about one hour to add a new line to this page. It won't take
you that long to access the page and click on the links. So give me a visit !

Philip Dorrell   Email: p at dorrell.demon.co.uk
Articles on consciousness, dreams, music, evolution, anthropic principle at

P.S. You may detect a slight biopsychological bias in the choices of link.

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