Gilbert T. Groehn bk097 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA
Sat Sep 14 07:59:14 EST 1996


ULTRAMED, INC. has three ZEISS Model OPMI-99 Colposcopes
that are surplus to our needs.  These scopes would be ideal for
many research applications in Neuroscience (small animal
surgery, etc.)  The roll around stand is an ideal height for
using these scopes for some types of bench work.

These scopes are set up with a 12V 100 watt fiber optic light
source (green filter is switchable in/out).  The 250mm objective
that comes with the scope provides 7X, 12X and 20X magnification
at the 250mm working distance.   These scopes are also adaptable
for other applications with options available from Zeiss.

These scopes are all in pristine, near mint condition.  Price is
 $2,450.00  (approx. 50% of ZEISS new cost) FOB our facility in
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI.  

We also have many other items available at prices as low as ten
percent of original cost.  Ask for List 96116-CA.

Gil Groehn, General Manager
Phone: ac 313 884-1139
PLEASE REPLY TO:  ad408 at detroit.freenet.org 
             OR:  ultramed at ix.netcom.com
        OR CALL:  ac 313 884-1139

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