Help!What means LED?

Dag Stenberg stenberg at cc.Helsinki.FI
Sat Sep 14 10:43:29 EST 1996

Perttu Sliden <psliden at raita.oulu.fi> wrote:
> >Hi! I'm trying to get an figure about fact named LED. What does it mean
> >and how it works. Is it disease or similar to MS-disease. I would have
> >use for any help according to this problem. 

I wrote this answer as a letter, but it bounced, so I have to post:

Lupus erythematosus disseminatus.

Se on systeemisairaus, punainen perhosihottuma kasvoissa voi olla,
niveltulehdus voi olla, sekä kaikenlaista muuta. Ei lainkaan sukua
MS-taudille, sidekudossairauksiin pikemmin. On autoimmuunisairaus

The disease has no relation to MS nor to neuroscience.

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