Unmet medical needs addressed by drug delivery technology?

Stephen C. Dahl stebby at welchlink.welch.jhu.edu
Wed Sep 11 12:47:28 EST 1996

Thomas A. Collet (tacollet at tezcat.com) wrote:


: Does anyone know of an effort to look at these delivery opportunities 
: in a systematic way, e.g., by drug or by therapeutic area? The range of 
: opportunities I am interested in may range from combining 3 times a day 
: dosage forms to once a day all the way to trying to deliver NSAIDs in 
: new ways to avoid common side effects, e.g., ulcers.

: Any pointers or a discussion of this topic would be appreciated.
: Cheers,

: Thomas Collet
: McKinsey&Company, Inc.
: Thomas_Collet at McKinsey.com
: tacollet at tezcat.com

Does this mean Contact's tiny time pills are no longer doing the 
trick???  damn.

Given that you're at McKinsey, unless you're new, you probably already 
know that studies addressing these issues appear time to time 
in the medical journals.  A search of medline should snoot them all out.
Start with drug delivery.  Then winnow out the mechanical pumps and dose 
monitors unless you're interested in them as well. 

Have fun.


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