OSHA and Managed Care Plans

bill ratliff bratliff at jax-inter.net
Mon Sep 9 15:46:24 EST 1996

Managed care plans have started checking for physician compliance with
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.  Plans are looking for docs
compliance eith the annual education, exposure control plan and
Hepatitis B vaccination.  All physician practices must comply by law,
or face stiff penalties (up to $7,000.00!!!!!).

However, there are some exemptions for some of the doctors depending
on the legal set-up of your practice.

I was referred to the following site and reccommend that  all docs
rush there for easy compliance (or, if you're lucky, an exemption from
this annual nightmare!!!).


I thought this was a one-time requirement in 1992, but I was
wrong...It's EVERY YEAR!!!!

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