digital image capture

Dr. AllenBurdowski burdowski at worldnet.att.net
Sat Sep 7 00:26:07 EST 1996

Dave Pataky wrote:
> I am in the process of hooking up my scope to a video system and image capture system. Ther are a number of approaches that I have taken. One,I 
have a Nikon scope and a olupus inverted scope. I have gotten quotes on 
a variety of vieo system. One is an oiptronics system 3 chip camera 
developed for low light. There is anothe camera available through a firm 
that supplies Zeiss scopes that has a superb video camera developed for 
low light. If you need this info I can get you its name.
	To hook up to the  computer you have a number of options, 
depending on cost. Ther is a quanta board that takes NTSC or PAL from a 
video camera and gets the image. It is about $500, Clearly you van get 
mors expensive. Or belive it or not I have used the Snappy it goes into 
the printer port cats $200 cheap and easy and surprisingly goon.
	Feel free to contact me at burdowsk at yu1.yu.edu
	allen burdowski

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