L'Hypothèse de la balance Sérotonine/Sérotonine(1994)
Typical and Atypical SSRIs:Fluvoxamine and Fluoxetine
Since the advent of the specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs),I have been much
interested in studying and describing their effects on myself and other volunteers as
I think the effects of any psychotropic molecule cannot be understood without
introspective observations by specialists.
Such a responsible attitude was common before 1945 but then,the USA started to rise
and demonise,progressively,this reasonable approach and imposed its views on other
Introspective research nearly stopped and only isolated people like Shulgin,for
instance,continued their researches
The demonisation of this or that by the economical giant called the USA is a remnant
of its puritanical background and has nothing to do with Science whatsoever but this
is another debate! It is a sheer Inquisition coming from the Middle-Ages into the
Modern era.