Inman Harvey inmanh at COGS.SUSX.AC.UK
Thu Sep 5 10:46:38 EST 1996

             Brighton, UK, July 28-31 1997

This interdisciplinary conference aims to provoke new understandings of the
relationships between the natural and the artificial. Artificial Life is often
described as the endeavour to synthesize life-like phenomena in artificial
media in an attempt to establish a formal and general understanding of life.
In practice it is something much broader. At its core are exchanges of ideas
and blurring of boundaries between disciplines traditionally constrained to
just the natural or just the artificial.

ECAL97 will foster further cross-fertilisation and hopes to extend the
Artificial Life community by encouraging contributions from people involved in
the Arts and Humanities. The conference will involve oral presentations, both
invited and contributed, poster sessions, debates, exhibitions,
demonstrations, installations and related activities.

Scientific topics to be covered will include, but not be limited to, the list
below. Contributions from biologists are particularly welcome.

Self-organisation. Origins of Life. Prebiotic evolution. RNA Systems. Fitness
Landscapes. Natural Selection. Sexual Selection. Ecosystem evolution.
Evolutionary Optimisation. Evolutionary Computation. Immune Networks. Neural
Networks. Multicellular Development. Natural and Artificial Morphogenesis.
Learning and Development. Communication. Artificial Worlds. Simulations of
Ecological and Evolving Systems. Mobile Agents. Autonomous Robots.
Evolutionary Robotics. Software Agents. Collective Behaviour. Swarm
Intelligence. Cooperation. Evolution of Social Behaviour. Philosophical Issues
in Alife. Ethical problems.

Papers should not be longer than 12 pages (including figures) in the
Springer-Verlag llncs style (http://www.springer.de/tex/help-tex.html) with an
abstract of 70-150 words. We encourage paper submissions via the Internet,
though traditional paper is also acceptable (4 hard-copies). Demonstrations,
Videos, and proposals for associated workshops are also welcomed.

Official Language: English
Publisher:         Springer-Verlag

Feb 28, 1997     -- Submission deadline
Apr 28           -- Notification of acceptance
May 16           -- Camera-ready due
May 31           -- Early registration deadline
July 28-31, 1997 --  Conference dates

ECAL97 will be held in Brighton on the South Coast of England, just one hour
by train from London and conveniently close to London Gatwick airport.

Please PRE-REGISTER your interest by filling out a form via our WWW site. All
new announcements will be emailed to those who have pre-registered, and will
also be available on this site:
EMAIL: ecal97 at cogs.susx.ac.uk

Conference organizers:   Phil Husbands and Inman Harvey
Local organization:      Medeni Fordham and Joseph Faith
Conference Secretariat:  Medeni Fordham<br>
COGS, University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH, UK

PROGRAM COMMITTEE              (provisional, some names yet to be confirmed)

Riccardo Antonini (I) Randall D. Beer (US) Wolfgang Banzhaf (D) George Bekey
(US) Hugues Bersini (B) Maggie Boden (UK) Paul Bourgine (F) Rodney Brooks (US)
Scott Camazine (D) Peter Cariani (US) Pablo Chacon (E) Andy Clark (UK) Dave
Cliff (UK) Michael Conrad (US) Holk Cruse (D) Jaques Demongeot (F) Jean-L.
Deneubourg (B) Michael Dyer (US) Claus Emmeche (DK) Dario Floreano (CH) Terry
Fogarty (UK) Walter Fontana (A) Brian C. Goodwin (UK) Howard Gutowitz (US)
Pauline Hogeweg (NL) George Kampis (H) Kunihiko Kaneko (JP) Hiroaki Kitano
(JP) John Koza (US) Chris Langton (US) Antonio Lazcano (MX) Pier L. Luisi (CH)
David McFarland (UK) Pattie Maes (US) Maja J. Mataric (US) Barry McMullin (IE)
Juan J. Merelo (E) Jean-Arcady Meyer (F) Eric Minch (US) Melanie Mitchell (US)
Federico Moran (E) Alvaro Moreno (E) Jim D. Murray (US) Stefano Nolfi (I)
Daniel Osorio (UK) Domenico Parisi (I) Howard Pattee (USA) Rolf Pfeiffer (CH)
Steen Rasmussen (US) Tom Ray (JP) Robert Rosen (CA) Chris Sander (D) Peter
Schuster (D) Moshe Sipper (CH) Tim Smithers (E) M.V. Srinivasan (AU) Luc
Steels (B) John Stewart (F) Peter Todd (D) Jon Umerez (US) Francisco Varela
(F) Gunter Wagner (US) Barbara Webb (UK) Hans V. Westerhoff (NL) Michael
Wheeler (UK) William C. Wimsatt (US) Rene Zapata (F)

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