What Effect Would TOTALLY Perfect Memory Have?

Eric Manshun Choi emc at madrox
Thu Sep 5 10:33:21 EST 1996

I am in the process of writing a science fiction story in which one of
the characters has the ability to literally remember EVERYTHING that he
sees or reads.  For example, if he was walking down the street, he would
remember how many cracks there were in the sidewalk, the number of cars
that passed him, the make and color of each car, the license plates on
the cars, how many people were in each car and what they looked like, etc.

How would such an ability affect his mind?  Would he be able to cope, or
would the overload of information drive him insane?

Any input would be much appreciated.  Thank you very much!

Eric M. Choi                    | Author  of  "From a Stone",   in   the
University of Toronto           | September issue of SCIENCE FICTION AGE
Institute for Aerospace Studies | magazine.  Now available at bookstores
emc at sdr.utias.utoronto.ca       | and newsstands. 

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