left-right reversal of CNS: Why?

Matt Jones jonesmat at ohsu.edu
Thu Sep 5 12:56:05 EST 1996

In article <322E5EEF.73E9 at postoffice.worldnet.att.net> kenneth paul
collins, KPCollins at postoffice.worldnet.att.net writes:
>turns allign activation states with respect to TD E/I minimization... 
>the CNS "merely" "strives" to achieve TD E/I(min), and everything else 
>is automatically sorted out as a by-product of the degree to which TD 
>E/I(min) is, in fact, achieved... language, cognition, affect, pain and 
>its avoidance... everything is "just" TD E/I minimization...

Ok, the suspense is killing me. What, exactly, do you mean by "TD E/I
minimization". What do you mean by "Topologically distributed" and what
by "Excitation/Inhibition ratio"? How are these things measured and
quantified? It would seem that the lowest possible E/I(min) could be
acheived by shutting off excitation completely. For some reason, that
doesn't sound like its going to explain how the brain works.

Since you've been posting these terms a lot, could you please give a
paragraph explaining them, rather than asking everybody to go to a
separate website?


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