Epilepsy CD ROM

Nadia Diakun-Thibault ab341 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA
Wed Sep 4 10:49:29 EST 1996

For a review of Corel's Epilepsy CD ROM and future releases visit:

                ////////////|           An Invitation        
             ////////////|//              to visit
            //////////// |/  Alzheimer Society of Ottawa-Carleton
   ||||||||||||\///////      http://www.hwc.ca:8080/asoc/index.html
   |||||||||||| \/|///       USENET newsgroup: ncf.ss.alzheimer
   ||||||||||||   |//         
  \\\\\\\\\\\\    |/         Alzheimer Society of Ottawa-Carleton 
   \\\\\\\\\\\\              Tel: (613) 722-1424   Fax: (613) 722-4927
    \\\\\\\\\\\\             1525 Carling Avenue West, Lower Level
    ////////////             Ottawa, Ontario   K7A 8R9
             Nadia Diakun-Thibault, webmaster   ndt at freenet.carleton.ca
Nadia Diakun-Thibault                     __o        "To live is so startling
ndt at freenet.carleton.ca                  '\<,           it leaves little time
Oxford Mills, Ontario                  (*)/'(*)           for anything else."
Canada    ........................................ Emily Dickinson (1830-1866)

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