Post Doctoral Electrophysiologist
Applications are invited for both senior and junior post doctoral
electrophysiologists to join an expanding collaborative research group
at the Centre for Immunology St Vincent's Hospital & University of NSW
and Victor Chang Institute for Cardiac Research both situated on the St
Vincent's Hospital Campus in Sydney Australia. The interests of this
group are:
1. the structure function relationship of macrophage potassium and
chloride ion channels
2. modulation of macrophage ion channel activity and its relationship to
macrophage function.
3. the electropharmacology and biophysics of cardiac potassium channels
The group is well equipped and has significant expertise in molecular
and cell biology as well as electrophysiology, but is seeking to further
expand the latter.
The applicant for this position should have an established track record
and extensive experience in cellular electrophysiology. Experience in
voltage clamping using patch-clamping techniques is essential.
Familiarity with Axon Instruments hardware (Axopatch) and software
(pClamp) as well as expertise in analysis of single channel records is
Dr Samuel Breit heads the inflammation research laboratory at the Centre
for Immunology which is a Research Institute of the University of NSW
and St Vincent's Hospital. This Institute was completed in 1990 and is
situated on the St Vincent's Hospital campus in Sydney, Australia. The
major broad areas of interest of this Research Institute are the basic
mechanisms underlying pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases, HIV and
Allergy. The Centre for Immunology is well equipped and has a scientific
staff of 38 and 13 research students..
The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Centre is directed by Professor Robert
Graham ( Dr Terry Campbell
heads the basic electrophysiology lab where the successful applicants
will be based. Other major interests of the Institute include the
pharmacology and molecular biology of G-proteins and endothelial
pharmacology. There is a close liaison with the Garvan Institute and
with the clinical cardiac and heart transplant services on campus.
St Vincent's Hospital has one of the largest biological sciences
research campus of any institution in Australia. It contains extensive
clinical facilities including the biggest heart and bone marrow
transplant programmes in Australia and an internationally recognised HIV
Unit. As well as the Centre for Immunology, and Victor Chang Cardiac
Research Centre, it contains a number of research institutes including
the National HIV Epidemiology Research Centre, the Garvan Institute for
Medical Research the Co-operative Centre for Biopharmaceutical Research.
Additionally it has large research groups in the rheumatology and
pharmacology areas.
If you are interested in a position as described above, please send your
resume including publications, and the contact information for at least
3 referees. Both this information and enquires may be sent to either :
Dr Terence J Campbell
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Centre, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney NSW
2010 Australia.
Tel: 61-2-9361 2368; Fax: 61-2-9361 2201; Email:
tcampbell at
Dr Samuel N Breit
Centre for Immunology St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney NSW 2010 Australia.
Tel: 61-2-9361 7700 ; Fax: 61-2-9361 2830; Email:
s.breit at