Sympathetic innervation of vascular beds

Madhusudan Natarajan nutty at brain
Fri May 31 09:20:38 EST 1996

	I'm trying to develop a model of the non-linear hemodynamics 
observed right before neurogenic pulmonary edema (or any case of massive 
sympathetic stimulation). I'm trying to establish the relation between a 
massive SNS discharge (due to CNS trauma) and vascoconstriction in the 
CV system. 
	I'm trying to find out if there is any information available on 
the relative innervation densities of various vascular components (large 
arteries, arterioles, veins etc.) , and if there is a connection between 
the innervation density and the extent of musculature in different 
vascular components.
	Does someone know of any studies (review compilation/otherwise) that 
have, maybe, a table of relative innervation densities, or a table of 
relative effects of sympathetic stimulation (quantised as say, reduction 
in diameter, or increase in neurotransmitter levels) on vascular systems?
Are there also any studies on maybe  "max. response" curves, of 
sympathetic stimulation on vascular smooth muscle cells?
Responses of any kind, however marginal, will be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you.
Madhusudan Natarajan
Biomedical Modeling and Controls Lab.
The University of Akron

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