Lab-Animal Res.Equip. Catalog-New!

PG 75144.2413 at CompuServe.COM
Thu May 30 12:00:47 EST 1996

We at Columbus Instruments just published new "Silver Aniversary" 
60 page Lab-Animal and Environmental Biology Catalog which we can 
send free to interested parties. You will find description of 
such unique instruments as: Cardiac Output Computers for mice and 
rats, VO2/VCO2 metabolic computers for rodents, humans and 
horses, rodent exercisers combined with metabolic computers, 
animal activity meters based on TV camera and on IR beams, 
bacteria respirometers with superior sensitivity 0.2 ulO2/h, 
precision gas analyzers with 0.001% O2 resolution 
(Paramagnetic!), End Tidal CO2/N2O meters for rodents ( 5ml/min 
air sample) and more.
Please e-mail your name with street adress and we will send you 
this catalog by U.S. Mail.
Jan Czekajewski
Fax: (614)276-0529
e-mail: 75144.2413 at compuserve.com

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