In message <4o9tnn$5kv at> - zamanlf at (Zamanlf) write
:>:>W.J. Freemans Mass Action in the Nervous System (Academic Press, New
:>York, 1975) provides a conceptual background for the development of PDE
:>models. I am developing a PDE model for the Circulatory Mass Action
:>(CMA) of the neocortex, which is based on the research of M. Verzeano
:>(1954-1981). Verzeano found that the pulse density wave (PDW) of multiunit
:>axon discharge is related to the rate-of-change of the locally generated
:>extracellular gross wave. The CMA model accounts for these relations
:>through an electromagnetic paradigm in which the PDW represents a
:>neocortical magnetic current. The PDE on which this model is based is an
:>extension of Faradays law found in electromagnetic engineering, which
:>includes a term for magnetic current. I know of no one else doing this
:>kind of modeling. Wish I did.
Do you have a paper on this available? I'd like to look at it.
(BTW non-ASCII symbols come out funny in USENET posts :-) )
Hawley Rising
rising at