Calvin's HOW BRAINS THINK (Science Masters series)

William H. Calvin WCalvin at U.Washington.edu
Thu May 30 18:28:07 EST 1996

Books take forever to finally appear in the bookstores, 
what with all the delays endemic to the writing
and publishing process.  Then it takes another two years 
for reviews to appear in the academic journals.

    I'm going to have two books appear in September ‘96 
(don't ask me how the two different publishers got
synchronized), but you can read them sooner via some 
web pages that I've posted.

The first is my book in the popular Science Masters series,
        Evolving Intelligence, Then and Now.
It's from BasicBooks (aka HarperCollins) and there will be 
12 foreign editions.  It's the book spawned
from my October 1994 Scientific American article, 
"The emergence of intelligence."  The chapter titles
are What to Do Next, Evolving a Good Guess, The Janitor's 
Dream, Evolving Intelligent Animals, Syntax as
a Foundation of Intelligence, Evolution On-The-Fly, 
Shaping Up an Intelligent Act from Humble Origins,
and Prospects for a Superhuman Intelligence.   

The book's web page is at
and has links to a few chapters and all the endnotes.  

  William H. Calvin                   WCalvin at U.Washington.edu

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