My second book due out in September is primarily
for scientists and only secondarily for general readers,
though I've aimed at a broad scientific audience
(say, linguistics-to-AI-to-neurophysiology)
rather than just neuroscientists:
Thinking a Thought in the Mosaics of the Mind
will be out in September from MIT Press (vi+256pp,
US$22.50), easily in time for the neuroscience meetings in DC.
Chapter titles are:
The Representation Problem and the Copying Solution,
Cloning in Cerebral Cortex, Managing the Cerebral Commons,
Resonating with your Chaotic Memories,
Partitioning the Playfield, The Brownian Notion,
Convergence Zones with a Hint of Sex, Chimes on the
Quarter Hour, The Making of Metaphor, and Thinking a
Thought in the Mosaics of the Mind.
The book's web page is at
with links to a number of chapters and all the endnotes.
The book has an amazing Mark Meyer painting on the cover,
which you can see at:
Sorry the two books got bunched up (HOW BRAINS THINK is also
due out in 9/96)-- but then one of the topics is
entrainment via recurrent excitation!
William H. Calvin WCalvin at U.Washington.edu