Photobeam questions

Yasuo Kubota ykubota at s.psych.uiuc.edu
Wed May 29 16:29:46 EST 1996

I'm thinking about using photobeam sensors to track a rat on a T-maze,
and I have two questions.

1.  Does the use of the photobeam create noise/artifacts in electro-
physiological data collected from the rat?

2.  Which vendor carries the photobeam modules?

I will appreciate it if anyone could provide me with answers and/or
any comments for these questions.  Thank you, in advance.

| Yasuo Kubota, Ph.D.                        |   ykubota at matrisome.mit.edu  |
|    Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences   |   ykubota at s.psych.uiuc.edu   |
|    Massachusetts Institute of Technology   |   yasuo at soma.npa.uiuc.edu    |
|  New England Revolution!  Chicago Bulls!  Chicago Cubs!  Fighting Illini! |

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