Australian Behavioural Neuroscience Register

Don Cameron aydlc at cc.flinders.edu.au
Wed May 29 02:17:28 EST 1996

In article <rpsaf-2105961419500001 at blah.fs.rmit.edu.au>,
rpsaf at pitvax.xx.edu.au wrote:

> Dear Colleague,
> I am writing to inform you of the inauguration of a register of Australian
> scientists performing research in the field of Behavioural Neuroscience /
> Psychobiology / Physiological Psychology. 

I suggest that you post this to the Australian Neuroscience Mailing list at:

synapse at anu.edu.au


Don Cameron

Dept. Anatomy & Histology and
Centre for Neuroscience,
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park S.A. 5042
Tel. +61-8-204 4280
Fax. +61-8-277 0085
Internet: Don.Cameron at flinders.edu.au

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