WARNING: Dendritic Spreading

Paul Bush paul at phy.ucsf.edu
Tue May 28 21:52:28 EST 1996

In article <4oa7ph$731 at sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com>, jhammell at ix.netcom.com(John Hammell) writes:
|> >|> > What are you suggesting we should replace neuroleptic treatment with?
|> >|> > Should we go back to forced ice water immersions and strapping people to 
|> >|> > their beds? Or should we just leave schizophrenics untreated?
|> >|> 
|> >|> In most cases, NOTHING!  
|> >
|> >Brilliant solution, Einstein. Don't call us.
|> Tsk! Tsk! Don't you know that getting angry like this could raise your blood
|> pressure and cause you to die of a stroke or mebbe a heart attack?? ;->

You must be using a different definition of 'angry' than the rest of us.

|> >|> > What exactly is 'dendritic spreading'? Do you know the meaning or
|> >|> > significance of this phrase? Or is it a recently invented 'scare phrase'?
|> >|> 
|> >|> The spreading of the message an dinfluence of an anti-psychiatric 
|> >|> organization called "Dendron."
|> >
|> >And this is a 'brain change' due to anti-psychiatric drugs? Did you
|> >even read the original post?
|> >
|> >Wait, maybe they are the same thing after all.
|> >
|> >Paul
|> Eh? Duh, duh, duh, duh.........;-> You should hang out in alt.flame for
|> awhile til you can at least improve your technique!

Someone else who didn't read the original post? You should read the entire thread 
so that you can understand what is going on, rather than posting a contentless


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