My understanding is that V.S. Ramachandran will be giving a talk on
illusions of body image at Rutgers University at Newark, NJ on
May 30 at 4:30 p.m. at the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience.
Does anyone know if this is an open meeting or do you need a reservation
to attend?
Ron Blue rcb1 at
p.s. His talk will be similar to the following:
In Nature 31 August 1995 page 778
researcher G. Bottini, E. Paulesu, R. Sterzl, E. Warburton, R.J.S. Wise,
G. Vallar, R.S.J. Frackowlak, & C. D. Frith in their article "Modulation
of conscious experience by peripheral sensory stimuli" revealed that
cold water ran in the ear of brain damaged patient who had lost the
sense of touch regain the sense temporally. "We show that in normal
subjects touch and vestibular signals share projectionss to the putamen,
insula, somatosensory area II, premotor cortex and supramarginal gyrus. In
our patient a subset of theres regions (right putamen and insula) was
pared by the lesion and was maximally active when touch and vestibular
stimulations were combined." (Bottini & etc. 1995)