In <4nvmud$16ac at> paul at (Paul Bush) writes:
>>In article <31A2BAD2.14D9 at>, Jared Blackburn <blackjar at>
>|> > What are you suggesting we should replace neuroleptic treatment with?
>|> > Should we go back to forced ice water immersions and strapping people to
>|> > their beds? Or should we just leave schizophrenics untreated?
>|>>|> In most cases, NOTHING!
>>Brilliant solution, Einstein. Don't call us.
Tsk! Tsk! Don't you know that getting angry like this could raise your blood
pressure and cause you to die of a stroke or mebbe a heart attack?? ;->
>|> > What exactly is 'dendritic spreading'? Do you know the meaning or
>|> > significance of this phrase? Or is it a recently invented 'scare
>|>>|> The spreading of the message an dinfluence of an anti-psychiatric
>|> organization called "Dendron."
>>And this is a 'brain change' due to anti-psychiatric drugs? Did you
even read the
>original post?
>>Wait, maybe they are the same thing after all.
Eh? Duh, duh, duh, duh.........;-> You should hang out in alt.flame for
awhile til you can at least improve your technique!
John Hammell, Political Coordinator, The Life Extension Foundation
800-333-2553, 305-929-2905, 305-929-0507 FAX
jhammell at ix.netcom.com
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