Help! I have three brains!

c_hou at humc.edu c_hou at humc.edu
Sat May 25 23:37:42 EST 1996

In article <4o6g62$dsn at netaxs.com>, porkwalk at cpcn.com (Porks become butter!) writes:
> I was poerforming a lobotomy on my self the other day at work, and my
> co-worker Ben turned to me and said, "Porwalk, you have three brains!"
> Apparently one of them is shaped like Italy, one is shaped like Noel
> Gallagher from Oasis, and the third one is normal.  
> Is this a common occurence?

Happens all the time to people with way too much time and big empty spaces
in their heads!  How els{ would you fit three brains {n one cranium?

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