giovanni rosati g.rosati at sistemi.it
Sun May 26 03:23:17 EST 1996

I am a girl from Sora (Italy), my name is ANNA BALDASSARRA, I am 20 years
old and I have just been told a few days ago that I am affected by

It is a rare disease; 6 months ago I began to have the diplopia (double
vision), now the muscles of my  throat are blocked and my arms are weak.

I am under cure at the Polyclinic in Rome "Umberto I" in the Neurology ward;
the cortisone cure that blocks the advance of the disease has not given any
positive results, therefore the doctors have decided to operate me in order
to remove the THYMUS;  I wonder if it will help.

I would like to know if a specialized center for this kind of  disease
exists and if there are people that have been cured.

I thank you very much, Anna

E-mail: g.rosati at sistemi.it
           aiuto at sistemi.it

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