Toxic substances as a cause for EPILEPSY?

mike at msmith.zynet.co.uk mike at msmith.zynet.co.uk
Sun May 26 17:19:35 EST 1996

In message <glatzleu.360.005B6CB3 at informatik.uni-marburg.de> Uta Glatzle wrote:

> Dear ladis and gentlemen!
> A friend of me has epilepsy, probably caused by Dioxin, to which he was 
> exposited(?) some years ago at his working place. He can only get some money, 
> if he can tell the court, why the Dioxines are still in his body, and how they 
> are causing neurological problems. He has already asked several neurologists, 
> but they aren't sure enough for saying anything to the court.

Er det sannt? (Is that so/true...)

To say that a chemical causes epilepsy without medical evidence and
then attempt to sue an innocent firm for money is to me sickening....

I have epilepsy... is it from my years of commercial SCUBA diving
with the pressure changes, the toxic coppers, lead, or mercury on
the bottoms of the ships, was it the fall from a rope-swing some
thirty feet, was it just in me at birth, do I have a illness that
the doctors have failed to either inform me about or discover,
was it low blood sugar, stress, or lack of sleep....

Until someone can point an exact finger..... sit down take your
meds and lump it! 

Mike Smith

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