WARNING: Dendritic Spreading

John Hammell jhammell at ix.netcom.com
Sun May 26 12:32:14 EST 1996

In <31a0af2f.105935495 at nntp.ix.netcom.com> rogue007 at ix.netcom.com
(Rogue 007) writes: 
>Support Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at efn.org> wrote:
>>1. Forcing neuroleptic drugs is common, both inside institutions
>>and on an outpatient basis, in the USA and internationally.
>1a. This is because the mainstream media propagates the Big Lie that
>there is something ``evil'' about using antipsychotic meds for mental
>illness treatment.  As a result, many uniformed non- mental patients
>have a negative attitude toward antipsychotic meds.  Is it any wonder
>many untreated sufferers exposed to the same influences don't desire
>meds while dazed, confused, and paranoid?

1b. I definitly have a negative attitude towards antipsychotic meds.
During the 4 years that I was mired in the psychiatric system I
experienced tardive dyskinesia which is an iatrogenic (physician
caused) illness characterized by involuntary muscle twitching,
uncontrollable drooling, loss of motor control, and other highly
unpleasant and undesirable side effects. 

One fact remains: I was nearly killed by my so called "treatment" when
I nearly choked to death as a result of the medication they were
forcing me to take. It is not at all uncommon for people on high dose
neuroleptics to lose their gag reflex and be unable to breath. Many
people have died in institutions as a result of this. When you are a
patient in the psychiatric system, and you see your best friend killed
this way, it has a tendency to scare the hell out of you and set up an
even worse polarity between you and the staff and doctors who are
allegedly trying to help you. 

Another fact remains: tardive dyskinesia is entirely preventable, yet
mainstream shrinks don't know how to prevent it due to their complete
bias against orthomolecular medicine. TD is a manganese deficiency. To
prevent it, all they have to do is cut way back on the neuroleptics
(possibly when a person is on a comprehensive orthomolecular program of
nutritional supplementation) and give extra managanese. Orthomolecular
phsyicians don't eschew the use of medication, they believe in
minimizing its use and eliminating it whenever possible in favor of
nutrients which bring about healing at the cellular level. 

Needless to say, this idea has never been well received by the
pharmaceutical industry or by the American Psychiatric Association
which published a "once and for all" hatchet job in the form of "Task
Force Report #7" intended to permanently discredit orthomolecular
medicine. This Task Force Report is out of print, however you may get a
copy by calling the library at Fair Oaks Hospital in Summit NJ at

In order to see both sides of this story, you should get a copy of
Hoffer, Osmond's and Pauling's Reply to this mine of misinformation by
calling the Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation at 416-733-2117. As a
person who recovered from the complex syndrome of imbalances known as
"schizophrenia" by taking dietary supplements, I support David Oak's
courageous efforts as an advocate for people who are unable to speak
out because they are mired in the psychiatric system, and so have no

>>2. Long-term administration of these drugs (Prolixin, Haldol, etc.)
>>can cause deleterious brain changes which can be seen from 
>>post-mortem and animal studies, by neuroscientists. 
>2a. Untreated schizophrenia sufferers can live in a nightmare world
>where all thoughts, emotions, and sensory input is heightened and
>magnified to such an overwhelming intensity their experience is like a
>living Hell.  That is the alternative to not receiving medical care
>from the point of view of a mental illness sufferer.

Having lived in that nightmare world, I speak from experience, and you
are correct, it IS a living hell. However, having recovered permanently
from that nightmare world by taking specific vitamins, minerals, amino
acids, and trace elements on a basis of lab work via a suppressed
alternative treatment mode, I can honestly tell you that mainstream
psychiatry was not able to properly diagnose or treat me- I received my
help from physicians operating outside the mainstream of medicine, who
had the courage to risk being stripped of their medical licenses in
their efforts to help suffering people. I am not saying there is never
room for using neuroleptic medication, I am saying that it is
irresponsible to use it in the mainstream context. It is irresponsible
that our medical schools aren't teaching people anything about clinical
nutrition. It is irresponsible that research funds aren't being
appropriated for the study of orthomolecular medicine so that more
people can't recover from the hell of schizophrenia as I have.

>>3. Neuroscientists have generally been silent about bringing 
>>this news to the public, and explaining "there may be a problem." 
>>Certainly, no informed consent tells patient or family about these 
>>brain changes, except tardive dyskinesia. 
>3a. Which neuroscientists are you referring to?  At what facilities?
>And if they have _generally_ been silent, obvious not _all_ of them
>have been silent.  Perhaps Thomas Szasz and Peter Breggin are at the
>forefront of those who have been unable to keep quiet.

It is true that Szasz and Breggin have spoken out, however they are
both social mileu theorists, and as such, they are just as biased
against orthomolecular medicine as their allopathic counterparts are. I
had a debate with Breggin once during a gathering of anti psychiatry
people while we were marching around the APA's Annual Meeting chanting
"Shrinks have killed ! Shrinks have lied! Psychiatry is GENOCIDE!"
While Breggin and I share these basic sentiments, our belief systems
are markedly different. He has thrown the baby out with the bath water
and isn't able to look at the effects of nutrition in the treatment of
mental illness because he is not able to relate to ANY biochemical
model. Szasz and Breggin would not have been able to help me any more
than the allopathic shrinks could. They are just as ignorant of
orthomolecular methods.

>>4. During "Brain Awareness Week," as I explained on NPR's
>>"Talk of the Nation," our organization held a protest of the 
>>above silence. 
>4a. You received national public radio coverage?  This is an example
>of not speaking out? 

4b: David Oaks is not a neuroscientist. Neither am I. I'm glad David
was able to speak out on NPR. If you go back to #3, you will see that
David was not referring to himself (he speaks out all the time), he was
referring to neuroscientists, and I gather that a lot of them hang out
here in this newsgroup. I'm not trying to be antagonistic in saying
this, but it is an observation that I have made. What we need is for
more of you guys to speak out on behalf of people who are being forced
to ingest substances that are highly toxic and injurious to health. It
is time for you guys to speak out on the side of truth. It is time for
you to join us on NPR. It is time for you to examine the work of Dr.s
Pauling, Hoffer, Osmond, Pfeiffer, Walsh, and others in the non
mainstream field of orthomolecular medicine who have stuck their necks
out in defense of the truth, at great risk to their reputations and
careers. Anyone desiring more information can contact WMAGW at
301-949-8282 for books, tapes, and a free copy of their newsletter. 

>>5. To publicize this, we held a tongue-in-cheek (but effective)
>>"BRAIN BOYCOTT," encouraging people to contact McLean's
>>"brain bank" (1-800-BRAIN-BANK). Researcher Jill Taylor there
>>has seen dendritic spreading attributed to a rebound against
>>neuroleptic drugging, but refuses to call this brain "change"
>>a potential problem. (There are *many* forms of brain change
>>following long term use of neuroleptics, as one can well 
>>imagine!) You can call Jill yourself and ask her.
>5a.  And I assume you have posted Dr. Taylor's phone number to the Net
>with her permission, correct?

5b. We are merely endeavoring to educate the woman, to utilize our
first amendment right to free expression. Its not as if we are having
porno mags and pizzas sent to her office! Don't you feel that free
speech is a good thing? Would you prefer that we live in a totalitarian
state where there is no free speech? Do you sanction forced drugging
against innocent people who do not wish to have toxic drugs forced upon
them? Is it your view that David Oaks is wrong to publish her number?
If you feel that it is somehow wrong, please explain why you think its

>>6. People reading the above five points might deny them, 
>>but now can never say, "But I was never told, I didn't know."

>6a.  People reading your similar spams all over Usenet never received
>an answer to the most important question I posed to you: in what way
>are these changes worse than living through a decades- long hell of
>untreated mental illness symptoms?

I believe I have answered this question, and I speak from experience.
There is no worse irony than to be in a hospital, where they supposedly
know how to _HELP_ you, and to come to the realization that they are in
_FACT_ _KILLING_ you. David Oaks is doing a good thing by bringing this
debate to usenet. If you would like to attempt to criticize my
assertions, let it be _AFTER_ you have read both APA Task Force Report
#7, AND Hoffer and Osmond's Reply to that mine of misinformation. I
have provided you with info on how to get both. If after reading them,
you feel that my point is correct, please let me know. If you feel that
I am wrong, please let me know- but be specific and only after
reviewing both sides of this debate.
>>Silence is complicity.   
>Legislate the in$urance indu$try out of the business of preventing 
>medical care. Bean-counters have a DNR order with *your* name on it.

 John Hammell, Political Coordinator, The Life Extension Foundation
            800-333-2553, 305-929-2905, 305-929-0507 FAX
      jhammell at ix.netcom.com  http://www.lef.org/lef/index.html
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