In <4nqkom$d4m at> paul at (Paul Bush) writes:
>>In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.960519185748.8687H-100000 at>, Support
Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at> writes:
>|> 1. Forcing neuroleptic drugs is common, both inside institutions
>|> and on an outpatient basis, in the USA and internationally.
>|>>|> 2. Long-term administration of these drugs (Prolixin, Haldol, etc.)
>|> can cause deleterious brain changes which can be seen from
>|> post-mortem and animal studies, by neuroscientists.
>>What are you suggesting we should replace neuroleptic treatment with?
>Should we go back to forced ice water immersions and strapping people to their
>beds? Or should we just leave schizophrenics untreated
This is a fair question. If you read my last post, you will find your answer.
The answer is orthomolecular medicine. An orthomolecular physician does not
eschew the use of medication, but believes in minimizing its use in favor of
non toxic nutrients. Our cells are used to them, they've been with us since
evolutionary times and they don't cause TD. TD, by the way is caused by a
manganese deficiency. There is no reason for any patient to ever suffer from
TD. For more info call WMAGW at 301-949-8282 and get a copy of Mental and
Elemental Nutrients by Carl C. Pfeiffer, MD,PhD. Pfeiffer helped me escape the
hell of schizophrenia 18 years ago via this suppressed alternative treatment
mode. I hope to see a day when research funds can be appropriated to study this
mode of treatment through the Office of Alternative Medicine at NIH.
>>|> 5. To publicize this, we held a tongue-in-cheek (but effective)
>|> "BRAIN BOYCOTT," encouraging people to contact McLean's
>|> "brain bank" (1-800-BRAIN-BANK). Researcher Jill Taylor there
>|> has seen dendritic spreading attributed to a rebound against
>|> neuroleptic drugging, but refuses to call this brain "change"
>|> a potential problem.
>>What exactly is 'dendritic spreading'? Do you know the meaning or significance
>of this phrase? Or is it a recently invented 'scare phrase'?
>>Schizophrenia is due to a brain 'change'. Your thoughts are due to brain
>'changes'. Do you acknowledge your thoughts as potential problems?
Schizophrenia is a complex syndrom of biochemical imbalances that is not well
understood, especially by mainstream psychiatrists. The people who understand
it best are outside the mainstream of medicine. The most knowledgable person on
this subject alive today is Bill Walsh, PhD, of the Carl Pfeiffer Treatment
Center in Naperville, Illinois. Call him at 708-505-0300 for more information,
or call WMAGW at 301-949-8282.
You will be very interested once you learn more about this, and I encourage you
to thoroughly examine it. David Oaks is performing a real public service by
initiating this debate. He and I don't agree on all aspects of how to solve the
problem, but as psychiatric survivors, we both speak for people who are unable
to speak for themselves because they are being drugged into oblivion. All I am
saying is please check out the nutritinal approach to bringing about real
My recovery is due to ingesting specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and
trace elements on a basis of lab work and the expert clinical guidance of a
master, the late Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD. Pfeiffer died a few years ago,
and I can't possibly pay him back for all he did for me, but I do try
to tell others so that they can examine his work in a fair and
objective way.
Pfeiffer did not eschew the use of medication, he believed in
minimizing its use in favor of nutrients and eliminating its use
whenever possible. Bear in mind that he was a gifted professor of
pharmacology, and a very open minded man. He was years ahead of his
time, a true pioneer. He and Dr. Linus Pauling were exceptional men.
They blazed new trails in clinical nutrition and its up to the rest of
us to get behind their work for it points to solutions to the problems
we are discussing here.
I thank David Oaks for creating this debate, and hope he will see this
post and respond. I don't typically read this newsgroup, and hope
anyone responding to my 2 posts will send me email. It is not my wish
to get embroiled in any sort of angry debate. If anyone responds to my
post, let it be for the purpose of simply sharing information and
learning from each other.
John Hammell, Political Coordinator, The Life Extension Foundation
800-333-2553, 305-929-2905, 305-929-0507 FAX
jhammell at ix.netcom.com
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