In <BILL.96May20183937 at> bill at
(Bill Skaggs) writes:
>>Support Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at> wrote:
> > 1. Forcing neuroleptic drugs is common, both inside institutions
> > and on an outpatient basis, in the USA and internationally.
>>rogue007 at (Rogue 007) writes:
> > This is because the mainstream media propagates the Big Lie that
> > there is something ``evil'' about using antipsychotic meds for
> > mental illness treatment. As a result, many uniformed non-
> > mental patients have a negative attitude toward antipsychotic
> > meds. Is it any wonder many untreated sufferers exposed to the
> > same influences don't desire meds while dazed, confused, and
> > paranoid?
>>There's a little more to the story than this. Neuroleptic drugs work
>by antagonizing the effects of dopamine. Now it so happens that
>dopamine also plays a central role in the brain's reward system. (The
>role of dopamine in reward might or might not be independent of its
>role in schizophrenia.) Thus, neuroleptics quite literally take a lot
>of the pleasure out of everything. It's no wonder that patients are
>so often reluctant to use them. Any drug that can make an orgasm
>boring is not likely to excite much enthusiasm.
True- but its a lot more chilling to one's enthusiasm if you've lost
your gag reflex to them and you nearly choke to death due to them as
happened to me. Its also somewhat chilling to one's enthusiasm if you
get pinned down by a goon squad of muscle bound attendants who forcibly
inject you, as also happened to me during the 4 years that I was held
against my will in the psychiatric system. It is no fun to be knocked
stone cold via an injection, especially when they first beat your head
against a cinderblock wall in an effort to kill you as happened to me
in Marlboro State Hospital in New Jersey years ago. The psychiatric
system is inhumane and very dangerous. Trust me when I tell you this.
It is not a place where healing takes place. Most psychiatric
facilities should be closed. They are snake pits. They kill people.
John Hammell, Political Coordinator, The Life Extension Foundation
800-333-2553, 305-929-2905, 305-929-0507 FAX
jhammell at ix.netcom.com
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