In <4nrs7l$l1d at> kspencer at (Kevin Spencer)
>>Support Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at> writes:
>>[stuff snipped]
>>>In the medical literature there are a few examples of psychiatrists taking
>>the pill to see what's like. The very first said she felt like she was
>>"dying." Wrote Dr. C. Quarti on Nov. 9, 1951, about what it was like just
>>one hour after her trying chlorpromazine: "I began to have the impression
>>that I was becoming weaker... that I was dying. It was very painful and
>>agonizing." [CITATION: JP Swazey, "Chlorpromazine in Psychiatry,"
>>(Cambridge, MA; MIT Press, pp. 117-120, 201-207.)]
>>[other such examples snipped]
>>>The true experts on neuroleptics are those who have had it. They
>>understand what mainstream literature shows, if you dig deep enough: It's
>>not really a tranquilizer. The internal experience tends to be one of
>>antsiness; it's just that thinking while on the drug is very hard, and if
>>one tries it becomes even harder. One becomes more easily manageable.
>>The problem with this argument is that you're describing the internal
>experiences of people who *don't need* the medication. These drugs will
>have different effects on "normal" nervous systems than on nervous systems
>that are not "normal"; that is, patients with the types of disorders that
>would be treated with the drugs. It doesn't follow that the drugs will
>affect these patients the same way they affect healthy individuals.
Define normal. What you say here is garbage. Why don't you volunteer to be shot
up with thorazine? You will then understand a lot of things that you don't right
now. Maybe the thing to do would be to bring you to a lock up ward, have the
goons there grab you and beat your head into the cinderblock wall in a seclusion
room, and while you are out cold, lets inject you with a huge dose of
thorazine and we will come along with a tape recorder to interview you
after you've had this wonderful experience so we can get your
impressions of it. We will then see if you are still such a huge fan of
John Hammell, Political Coordinator, The Life Extension Foundation
800-333-2553, 305-929-2905, 305-929-0507 FAX
jhammell at ix.netcom.com
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