[Fwd: LET IT BEGIN: Brain Awareness Week/BRAIN BOYCOTT]

John Hammell jhammell at ix.netcom.com
Sun May 26 14:01:50 EST 1996

>Frankly, I'd like to keep these people's minds numbed - I don't want to 
>have some Jeffrey Dahmer type running around free because people like you 
>think that it's OK for him to think differently (that people are a food 
>source).  A lot of the people you think are being oppressed are locked up 
>to protect the rest of us from them.  Don't forget that.  You think they 
>are the victims, and yet when a schizophrenic, paranoid individual hurts 
>or kills someone, you seem to forget that the people who were killed 
>never did anything to deserve it.  Prevention is better than retribution 
>in this case.  No, you can't lock everyone up to prevent people from 
>killing each other, but when someone is obviously disturbed enough in 
>their thought processes where they pose a danger to other people, they 
>can be locked up and should.  Depressives think differently than you and 
>me, but they aren't locked up because they aren't going to hurt other 
>people.  And I don't think the antidepressants they get are imprisoning 
>their minds.  Generally, if someone is getting Thorazine, they usually 
>need it.

Hmmm. You really believe this? This certainly isn't true from my experience. I have
never needed thorazine, but it was given to me by some ignorant physicians and their
goons back in the days when I was locked up. What ended up turning my life around,
and enabling me to escape from the psychiatric system was vitamins, minerals, amino
acids, and trace elements taken on a basis of lab work. I learned of this approach
while a patient on a locked ward in a hospital in Connecticut. My Aunt Jane sent me
some books about the nutritional approach to treatment, but when I wanted to try it,
my Dr. got very perturbed and actually screamed at the top of her lungs
"Megavitamins are BULLSHIT!!!" What was really astonishing about this performance
was that she actually JUMPED out of her chair prior to declaring this, and THAT was
astonishing because she was so OBESE! I did not think it possible that the bitch
could move so fast and I was a little astonished! The cigarrette that had been
dangling off her lip fell to the floor and she just lit into me as if I'd zapped her
with a cattle prod merely by asking my question. What happened next was that I gave
her the finger, told her I had no further use of her "services" and exited the room
to save myself from any further abuse. At that precise moment, the goons jumped me
for "breaking a rule" (leaving a doctors session before it was over),
and they proceeded to stick a hypo into my ass and drug the shit out of
me, then throw me into a seclusion room. Did I deserve this? No I did
not. After getting kicked out of that hospital for kicking the shit out
of a bunch of their goons, I ended up in another mainstream hell hole
which ALSO wouldn't let me try taking vitamins. I then went on a
weekend pass, went to the Princeton Bio Center, had lab work, they
determined what was wrong for the first time in my life, and armed with
a specific nutritional program, I smuggled my nutrients back into the
hospital and took them on the sly while mouthing their meds. I hid my
vitamins in a cavity gouged out of the underside of my mattress and
took them on the sly. 3 weeks later I was doing so much better that
they gave me a medical discharge while scratching their heads and
wondering what had helped me. I was damned if I was going to tell them.
They never would have let me out if I had. I've been out of the hell
known as the psyciatric system for the past 18 years, handling a high
stress job. I am not on welfare, I am not on SSI or foodstamps. I make
my own way in the world. Can you imagine how much money our society
could save if all schizophrenics had the chance I've had to have access
to orthomolecular medicine? We need to appropriate more money for
research for this through the Office of Alternative Medicine.
 John Hammell, Political Coordinator, The Life Extension Foundation
            800-333-2553, 305-929-2905, 305-929-0507 FAX
      jhammell at ix.netcom.com  http://www.lef.org/lef/index.html
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