jhammell at ix.netcom.com(John Hammell) writes:
>In <4nrs7l$l1d at vixen.cso.uiuc.edu> kspencer at s.psych.uiuc.edu (Kevin Spencer)
>>>>The problem with this argument is that you're describing the internal
>>experiences of people who *don't need* the medication. These drugs will
>>have different effects on "normal" nervous systems than on nervous systems
>>that are not "normal"; that is, patients with the types of disorders that
>>would be treated with the drugs. It doesn't follow that the drugs will
>>affect these patients the same way they affect healthy individuals.
>Define normal. What you say here is garbage.
[ranting snipped]
In the interest of promoting scientific discussion on this newsgroup, would
you please explain why what I've said is garbage?
As for defining normal... I can't. Nor can anyone else. That's why I put
it in quotes.
Kevin Spencer
Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory and Beckman Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
kspence1 at uiuc.edu