[Fwd: LET IT BEGIN: Brain Awareness Week/BRAIN BOYCOTT]

Steph steph at cts.com
Sat May 25 15:02:20 EST 1996

Andrew Ray <aray at emory.edu> wrote:

>Frankly, I'd like to keep these people's minds numbed 

Don't be shy, Ray.  Tell us how you'd run the world--and everybody in

>I don't want to have some Jeffrey Dahmer type running around free because people like you 
>think that it's OK for him to think differently (that people are a food 

Our point is that he should be free to THINK anything he wishes to
think.  And once [if] he starts violating the human rights of others,
it should become a criminal--not a medical--matter.

> but when someone is obviously disturbed enough in 
>their thought processes where they pose a danger to other people<

Obvious to whom?  You?  No thanks. 

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