[Fwd: LET IT BEGIN: Brain Awareness Week/BRAIN BOYCOTT]

Andrew Ray aray at emory.edu
Fri May 24 12:41:33 EST 1996

Jared Blackburn wrote:
> Greetings,
>         I am concerned greatly by the abuse of psychiatry.  Often, it seems,
> perfectly well adjusted indivduals are subjected to imprisonment in hospitals
> and to rediculous druging - especially anti-psychoic/major tranquilizors -
> simply because they're beleif do not conform to those of their culture or the
> subculture of those close to them.  Often time this equate to religious or
> political discrimination.  It time to breing freedom and equality to all - we
> have no right as a society to declare some to be "wrong-thinkers"!  There are
> many prisoners of concience inthis coutry, but hear they are call mental
> patients, and it is they're very mind that is imprisoned with heavy
> tranquilizers!
> Dear Normal Not:
> > 
> There are several places where active dialogue is occurring on
> the Internet "newsgroups" about this brain boycott.
> Here's the cluster:
> alt.conspiracy, alt.mindcontrol, alt.slack, alt.whine, misc.misc,
> sci.misc, soc.misc, rec.humor, alt.shenanigans, alt.guinea.pig.conspiracy

I find it rather amusing that this guy is promoting something whose major 
debate is occurring in the alt.conspiracy, mindcontrol, whine, etc. 
groups.  That should say something right there (especially alt.humor).

Frankly, I'd like to keep these people's minds numbed - I don't want to 
have some Jeffrey Dahmer type running around free because people like you 
think that it's OK for him to think differently (that people are a food 
source).  A lot of the people you think are being oppressed are locked up 
to protect the rest of us from them.  Don't forget that.  You think they 
are the victims, and yet when a schizophrenic, paranoid individual hurts 
or kills someone, you seem to forget that the people who were killed 
never did anything to deserve it.  Prevention is better than retribution 
in this case.  No, you can't lock everyone up to prevent people from 
killing each other, but when someone is obviously disturbed enough in 
their thought processes where they pose a danger to other people, they 
can be locked up and should.  Depressives think differently than you and 
me, but they aren't locked up because they aren't going to hurt other 
people.  And I don't think the antidepressants they get are imprisoning 
their minds.  Generally, if someone is getting Thorazine, they usually 
need it.

Andrew Ray
aray at emory.edu
Emory University Neuroscience Program

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