On May 22, 1996 16:44:41 in article <Re: Great Quotes in Neuroscience>,
'shall at scripps.edu (Stephen Hall)' wrote:
>The 3 Rules of Neuroscience :
>>1) All seizures eventually stop.
>>2) All bleeding eventually stops.
>>3) Don't mess with the hypothalamus.
I love it! Thanks for posting that.
>>>>In article <v02130503adc7189c74a2@[]>, jwoodson at ucla.edu>(James Woodson) wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>> I'm in the process of compiling a collection of great
>> quotes in Psychology, Neuroscience, etc., and hope that you can help me
>> out. If you have a favorite quote, no matter how obscure, contextual,
>> absurd it may be, please email me (with appropriate source reference of
>> course, credit where credit is due...) Many thanks, my students love
>> stuff. James Woodson
>>>> James Woodson (jwoodson at ucla.edu)
>> Dept. of Psychology - Behavioral Neuroscience
>> University of California at Los Angeles
>> 405 Hilgard Ave.
>> Los Angeles, CA 90095
>Stephen G. Hall, Ph.D.
>>Department of Molecular Biology, CAL 5 Voice: 619.784.7731
>The Scripps Research Institute FAX: 619.784.7660
>10666 North Torrey Pines Road email:shall at scripps.edu>La Jolla, CA 92037
>>Stephen G. Hall, Ph.D.
>>>Department of Molecular Biology, CAL 5 Voice: 619.784.7731
>The Scripps Research Institute FAX: 619.784.7660
>10666 North Torrey Pines Road email: shall at scripps.edu>La Jolla, CA 92037
Leslie E. Packer, PhD