Radial glial stain

Karen Allendoerfer ravena at cco.caltech.edu
Thu May 23 16:46:42 EST 1996

In article <4o0kss$98 at holly.cc.uleth.ca>,  <melvnr at hg.uleth.ca> wrote:
>Can anyone tell me what would be the best stain to use to label radial glial fibers during corticogenesis? Is GFAP staining a relatively non-specific, and thus non-applicable technique to use for this? Reply by e-mail to melvnr at hg.uleth.ca.

I'm struggling a bit with this myself, but I have two suggestions.  The first
is vimentin, but the antibodies I've tried don't seem to like paraformaldehyde-
fixed tissue very much.  I'm still working on it, I know I got it to work
once about 3 years ago, but haven't since I switched labs.  There is an
anti-vimentin antibody available from Boehringer-Mannheim, and another
one in the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, deposited there by
Arturo Alvarez-Buylla who used it to stain some really nice radial cells
in canary brain.  It is claimed to crossreact with rodent.  If you are
staining mouse tissue, RC1 is excellent, but requires ethanol fixation.
You may have to write to M. Yamamoto (who made it) to get it.


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