My friend, Dr. Zhang, a teacher at Nanjing Univ of China, wish to pursuit
a postdoc in the field of neurosci. he is particularly interested in
intracellular calcium, synaptic plasticity and signal transduction.
Please let me or he know if there are any... Attached is his vita
-------------- next part --------------
Name: Zhang Weining
family name given name
Current Address: Department of Biological Science and Technology,
Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, P.R. CHINA
Tel: (0086-025)6637651 Ext. 3146 Fax: (0086-
Nationality: People's Republic of China
Date of Birth: March 8, 1966
Place of Birth: Nanjing, P.R. CHINA
Sex: Male
Health: Excellent
Objective: A research position in the area of neurobiology, specially in
field of aging, learning and memory, synapses, and calcium ions
Higher-Education and Qualification
October,1993 to the present: Work as a teacher at the Department of
Biological Science and Technology,
Nanjing University
March,1991 to September,1993: Division of Physiology, Department of
Biology, Nanjing University, graduate
student, received Ph.D. degree.
September,1987 to July,1990: Division of Physiology, Department of
Biology, Nanjing University, graduate
student, received M.S. degree.
September,1983 to July,1987: Department of Biology, Nanjing University
undergraduate student, received B.S degree
Memberships: Members of the Chinese Physiological Society, the Chinese
Psychological Society and the Chinese Biophysical Society.
Research Fields
1. Analyses of synaptic ultrastructure and synaptosomal protein synthesis
2. Neurobiology of learning and memory
(1) Observation of learning and memory behavior in mice or rats
(2) Aging and the deficits of learning and memory
(3) Relationship between the effects of some neuropeptides, Ca2+ channel
antagonists, or neurotrophic factors on memory and protein synthesis,
or Ca2+ level in the brain
3. Regulation of intracellular calcium concentration
Academic Distinction
In 1994, as a young teacher, I was awarded the Yingsong prize of Nanjing University
with honors. In July 1993, I was awarded the third prize of the Zhang Xijun
Foundation of the Chinese Physiological Society for a series of papers on
"Investigation into the relation between the central mechanism of
facilitation of neuropeptides on memory and the level of calcium ions." Later
I was given the Science and Technology Progress Award issued by the Science
Commission of Jiangsu province for my contributions to the project entitled
"The Cerebral Mechanism Relating to Effects of Some Peptides on Memory". As a
graduate student, I was awarded the first prize twice (1992, 1991) and the
third prize (1990) of Nanjing University.
In the last a few years, I have written 23 papers (16 were published, 6
accepted and 1 submitted) for the national/international journals and
conference proceedings.
Teaching and Research Experience
Fab.1987--Jan.1988: Project on the subcellular distribution of calcium ions
in the discrete brain regions of mice during electro-
acupuncture and drugs induced analgesia. The methods
include the use of the transmission electron microscopy
and electron probe x-ray microanalysis.
Mar.1988--Jul.1990: Worked as a teaching assistant to my academic director
in the courses of "Physiology" and "Experiment of Physi-
ology" for undergraduate students in Nanjing University
meanwhile, did research work as an assistant on the
project "The Synaptic Mechanism of the Facilitative
Effects of Some Neuropeptides on Memory" sponsored by
the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province,China
We employed methods of observation of learning and
memory behavior in mice or rats,isotope labell, prepara-
tion and identification of synaptosomes, and analysis of
synaptosomal protein synthesis.
Sept.1990-Jul.1993: worked as a major researcher on the project "The
Cerebral Mechanism Relating to Effects of Some Peptides
on Memory" which was sponsored by the National Science
Foundation of China. The techniques used included HPLC,
cell culture, autoradiography,immunohistochemistry, PCR,
in situ hybridization, radioligand binding assay, and
the measurement of intracellular or intrasynaptosomal
free ca2+ concentration.
Sept.1993--present: gave courses of "General Biology," "Progress in
Physiology," "English Used in Physiology" for under
graduate students and worked as a major researcher in
the following projects in Nanjing University:
1. "The Search for the Mechanisms of Memory Disorders
in Aging Animals: Changes of Ca2+ Level and Synaptic
Curvature in Brain" which was sponsored by the National
Science Foundation of China.
2. "The Relationship Between Learning and Memory
Deficits in Aging Animals and the Changes of Ca2+ Level
in Brain" which was sponsored by the Natural Science
Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China.
Fumei Wu Professor of Physiology, Dept. of Biological Science
Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, P.R. China
Qixiang Yu Professor of Physiology, Dept. of
Biological Science and
Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, P.R. China
Zuxuan Zhang Professor of Physiology, President of Medical School,
Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, P.R. China.
1. Zhang W.N.,Lu H.X.,Wang G.P.,et al.,Relation between the effect of Ca2+
on memory consolidation and the protein synthesis of hippocampal
synaptosomes. METAL IONS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, Eds. Ph.Collery,et al.
John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 1994, Vol.3, pp.439-443.
2. Zhang W.N., Wu F.M., Zhang Z.X.,et al., Effects of DGAVP and Org2766 on
synaptosomal Ca2+ uptake of mouse hippocampus, METAL IONS IN BIOLOGY AND
MEDICINE, Eds.Ph.Collery,et al.,John Libbey Eurotext,Paris,1994,3:445.
3. Zhang W.N., Lu H.X., Wang J.X.,et al., Effect of intrahippocampal Ca2+
level on memory consolidation of mice,Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin,
1994, 10(4): 262-267. (In chinese)
4. Zhang W.N.,Wu F.M.,Xiao X.S.,et al,The dependence of protein synthesis
in hippocampal synaptosomes on Ca2+ level in presence of DGAVP and
Org2766, JOURNAL OF NANJING UNIVERSITY, 1993, 28(2):263-270
5. Zhang Wei-Ning, Wu Fu-Mei, Zhang Zu-Xuan,et al.,The effect of DGAVP and
Org2766 on intracellular free Ca2+ concentration in dissociated brain
cells, ACTA PHARMACEUTICA SINICA, 1993, 28(9): 655-660. (In chinese)
6. Zhang Wei-Ning, Wu Fu-Mei, Zhang Zu-Xuan, et al., Determination of
intracellular free calcium in dissociated brain cells using cation
measurement system, Chin J Appl Physiol, 1993,9(4):344-348.(In chinese)
7. Zhang W.N., Wu F.M., Zhang Z.X., Investigations into the effect of
verapamil on the memory consolidation,METAL IONS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE
Eds. J.Anastassopoulou,et al, John Libbey Eurotext,Paris, 1992,2:313-316
8. Zhang Wei-Ning, Wu Fu-Mei, Zhang Zu-Xuan, Relation between the effect
of DGAVP on the protein synthesis of hippocampal synaptosomes and the
level of calcium ions, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 1991, 36(3): 243-248.
9. Zhang Wei-Ning, Wu Fu-Mei, Zhang Zu-Xuan, Calcium and synaptic
transmission, JOURNAL OF NEUROANATOMY,1988,4(2):139-146.(In chinese)
10. Zheng Y.L., Zhang W.N., Wu F.M, Effect of succinyl CCK-7 on synaptosomal
45Ca uptake of mouse hippocampus,ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, 1995,16(2):
11. Shi S.N,Zhang W.N,Zhang Z.X, The effects of electroacupuncture, morphine
and Tb3+ on the ultrastructural distribution of calcium ions in the
discrete brain regions of mice, JOURNAL OF NANJING UNIVERSITY, 1988,
24(3): 495
12. Gao J.,Wu J.,Zhao X.N.,Zhang W.N., Transplacental neurotoxic effects of
monosodium glutamate on structures and functions of specific brain
areas of filial mice,ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA SINICA,1994,46(1):44(In chinese)
13. Zheng Y.L., Zhang W.N., Wu F.M.,Effect of suc-CCK-7 on memory of mice,
JOURNAL OF NANJING UNIVERSITY, 1994, 30(2): 263-268. (In chinese)
14. Zheng Y.L., Zhang W.N.,Wu F.M.,The possible mechanism of Ca2+ in the
facilitation of suc-CCK-7 on memory consolidation,METAL IONS IN BIOLOGY
AND MEDICINE,Eds.Ph.Collery,John Libbey Eurotext,Paris,1994,3:455-460.
15. Wang Ge-Ping,Lu Han-Xin,Zhang Wei-Ning, The technique and application
of intrahippocampal injection of mouse, Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin
1993, 9(1): 73-74. (In chinese)
16. Li C.J., Fan B.Q., Wang J.X., Zhang W.N., The role of progesterone and
calcium in the effect of EGF on the meiotic maturation of mouse oocyte,
ARCH STD / HIV RES, 1995, 9: 19-27.
17. Du H.Y., Zhang W.N., Zhang Z.G.,et al., Correlation between ability of
learning and memory and synaptosomal free [Ca2+]i in different-aged
mice, ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA SINICA, 1996,48(1), in press (In chinese)
18. ZHANG Wei-Ning, Measurement of the intracellular calcium oncentration
with fluorescent indicator,Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,1995, accepted,
in press
19. ZHANG W.N., WANG L.B.,WU F.M., Relation between the aged-dependent
amnesia and the synaptosomal calcium ions in different rat brain rigions
ACTA ZOOLOGICA SINICA, 1995, accepted, in press (In chinese)
20. WANG L.B.,ZHANG W.N.,WU F.M., Age-dependent changes of synaptosomal
calcium ions in different rat brain rigions,ZOOLOGY RESEARCH, 1995,
accepted, in press.
21. Lin L.,Zhang H.Y.,Gu H.M.,Tang G.Z,Zhang Z.X.,Wang J.X,Zhang W.N., Nerve
growth factor prevent the neurotoxicity of glutamate in neuron culture,
ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, 1995, accepted, in press .
22. ZHANG Wei-Ning, Detection and measurement of calcium in brain cells,
In: Modern Experimental Methods in Medicine, Wang Qian (eds.), PEOPLE
HYGIENE PRESS , 1995, in press , (In chinese)
23. WANG L.B,ZHANG W.N.,WU F.M.,Comparative analysis between the aged-
dependent amnesia and the level of synaptosomal calcium ions in the
discrete brain regions of rat, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 1995, submitted