mating time for mice

Richard Kerr kerrr at CRYPTIC.RCH.UNIMELB.EDU.AU
Thu May 23 21:53:21 EST 1996

>Can anyone tell me about the approximate time when the mice mate. 
>According to the Hogan's "manipulating the mice embryo", the mice mate 
>approx. at midnight. But I am noticing quite a lot've variation in the 
>mating time for the 129 Sv mice strain. Are there other's  who are 
>facing similar problems?

Whenever they feel like it? I know that mice are more sexually active at
night but I think that the magic time of 0:00 is purely arbitrary and
convenient. However, if anyone else has other views, feel free to shoot me

>Is there a separate mice newsgroup? Does anyone have suggestion about 
>the newsgroup in which the above question should be posted.

methods and reagents ?  mice mating times may be in left of field but it
has lotsa bandwidth, so someone is bound to know the answer.

>krishna at pharma.unizh.ch
>ramc at molbio2.unizh.ch

no problem

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