>> I wonder if anyone out there can help me?
>>>>Two weeks ago I ate a whole bottle of vitamin C, an entire carton
>>of NutraSweet and a bottle of neuroleptics. Now both me and my
>>children are blind, my wife developed gulf war syndrome, and I can no
>>longer derive any pleasure from orgasms. The upshot is that I can
>>predict the weather weeks in advance, read people's minds, and am
>>confident that I will never develop cancer. My question is, How will
>>this affect global warming, and should I continue to eat fruits and
>>vegetables? BTW, I have Jerry Garcia's brain for sale if anyone is
>>interested. Serious offers only, please.
>>I'm not that interested in Jerry's brain as I think that I have more fun
>altering my own mind and writing odd little tunes. However, as you have all
>these wonderful powers,you are obviously GOD and I think that you should
>establish your own religious sect. I would really appreciate it if I could
>be your first convert
>>wierd for weird. cheers
>>>>>One thing I've noticed about this newsgroup: The wierder the thread,
>>the longer it runs. Scary.
>>>> Regards SVEN