WARNING: Dendritic Spreading

Leslie E. Packer, PhD lpacker at nyc.pipeline.com
Fri May 24 00:43:10 EST 1996

On May 23, 1996 23:40:27 in article <Re: WARNING: Dendritic Spreading>,
'rogue007 at ix.netcom.com (Rogue 007)' wrote: 
>Thankfully agranuolcytosis is something so well- publicized nobody who 
>takes Clozaril could possibly not know about it. 
Yes, but I think we'd agree that it's important for the general society to
be aware of these problems so that they can be more understanding of people
who choose not to take them.  I had a tough time being supportive of
someone who kept going off his li (bipolar) even though he'd been through 3
involuntary commitments because he was so severely manic.  Once I
understood more about the SE he was experiencing, it helped a bit.  Didn't
change my opinion that he needed to be on it, but at least it tempered the
Leslie E. Packer, PhD

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