Ph.D. fellowship in Alzheimer's disease, Germany

Gerald Muench muench at wbzx07.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
Wed May 22 11:50:57 EST 1996

A  Ph. D. fellowship is available at the Department of Physiological 
Chemistry at the Biocenter of the University of Wuerzburg, Germany. In 
our esearch program, we investigate the role of	Advanced Glycation 
Endproducts (AGEs) in Alzheimer's disease. The final target will be  the 
development and testing of  AGE-inhibitors as therapeutic drugs for the 
treatment of  AD patients. 
	Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) are formed by a complex cascade 
of dehydration, oxidation and cyclization reactions, subsequent to a 
non-enzymatic reaction of sugars with amino groups of proteins 
(²glycation²). Accumulation of AGE-crosslinked proteins throughout life 
is a general phenomenon of aging, it is accelerated in diabetes and 
renal failure. 
	In Alzheimer¹s disease, cerebral AGEs levels in post mortem tissue of 
are significantly increased, with the highest immunoreactivity seen in 
neurofibrilary tangles and ß- amyloid plaques. In vitro, formation of 
insoluble, crosslinked ß-amyloid peptide and MAP-tau is accelerated by 
AGEs. The AGE-inhibitor tenilsetam (effective against AGE crosslinking 
in vitro and in animal models) significantly improved clinical and 
psychometric scores in two phase II clinical trials with Alzheimer¹s 
disease patients.    
	Our project deals with three major questions:
1. Which factors increase the AGE level in brains of Alzheimer¹s 
patients ?  
2. Which damaging effect do AGEs exert on (neuronal) cells ?
3.  How do AGE-inhibitors interfere with AGE-mediated degenerative 
processes ?	
The site:
Würzburg: www.wuerzburg.de/index.eng.html
Capital of Lower Franconiam  Inhabitants: 130.000. Located on both sides 
of the river Main, amid huge parks and vine covered hills.
Nearly 50.000 students are living in Würzburg. The 
Julius-Maximilians-University, newly established in 1582, is he alma 
mater for more than 20.000 students. Six nobel prize winners have taught 
there (among them W. C. Röntgen, who discovered X-rays in 1895). 

The Biocenter: www.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
  The founders of the Biocenter deemed a close cooperation of the 
various disciplines vital in order to prevent a disintegration of 
Biology. The Biocenter is an interdisciplinary institute for
scientific research and learning, comprising 6 biological, 1 chemical, 
and 3 medical departments.

Individuals should have experience with biochemistry and cell culture 
techniques, preferably in the field of neurobiology.
 Please send a description of research accomplishments, curriculum vitae 
and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of 2 references to: 

 Dr. Gerald Muench
        Physiologische Chemie I
        Theodeor-Boveri-Institut fuer Biowissenschaften
        (Biozentrum) der Universitaet
        Am Hubland
        97074 Wuerzburg

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