WARNING: Dendritic Spreading

Rogue 007 rogue007 at ix.netcom.com
Fri May 24 11:58:15 EST 1996

lpacker at nyc.pipeline.com(Leslie E. Packer, PhD) wrote:

>Yes, but I think we'd agree that it's important for the general society to
>be aware of these problems so that they can be more understanding of people
>who choose not to take them.  I had a tough time being supportive of
>someone who kept going off his li (bipolar) even though he'd been through 3
>involuntary commitments because he was so severely manic.  Once I
>understood more about the SE he was experiencing, it helped a bit.  Didn't
>change my opinion that he needed to be on it, but at least it tempered the

Except there are a number of meds that help bipolar disorder besides
just lithium, many people use them because they prefer having their
symptoms controlled and these meds do not cause the same kind of side
effects.  In fact, for some people, using a different mood stabilizer
than lithium can not only be a solution for side effects but be more
effective as well.  Usually the second- line medication for those who
don't tolerate or respond well to lithium is carbamazepine, other
common possibilities are Klonopin and sodium valproate in one form or
another.  I've heard of beta- and calcium- channel blockers being
useful too.  
Legislate the in$urance indu$try out of the business of preventing 
medical care. Bean-counters have a DNR order with *your* name on it.

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