Automated Morris Water Maze..Suggestions?

Joerg Eriskat eriskat at icf.med.uni-muenchen.de
Fri May 24 09:18:40 EST 1996

Frank Adams wrote:
> I'm shopping around for an image analysis system that's 
> tailored for use
> in evaluating morris water maze data.  Does anyone have any 
> suggestions
> about which commercial systems to buy, or for that matter to 
> avoid?  Most
> of the systems I've looked at have been over $7,000.  We would 
> prefer to
> get something for under $5,000 for administrative reasons.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thannks,
> Frank
> --
> |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
> | Frank S. Adams, Ph.D.    adamsf at netcom.com        |
> `````````````````````````````````````````````````````


we are using in our lab Bioscan's Optimas 5.1 (Windows 3.11) for 
image analysis. It has a macro for motion analysis, which might 
suit your needs. Optimas is not cheap but there exists 
a runtime-version named Optimate which is around 1500 DM. I have 
not done motion analysis by myself, but a co-worker tracked 
lymphocytes during phagocytosis using video-microscopy, so maybe 
it can do what you want. BTW: I have no commercial connections 
to Bioscan or whatsoever. 
Short excerpt from Optimas' help file:

Motion Analysis

This command opens the Motion Analysis dialog box.  This utility 
is designed to track objects through a series of images and 
compute direction, distance traveled, position, and velocity for 
each object tracked.  The Motion Analysis utility requires a 
time  sequence of image files.  Files must be saved in one of 
the many industry-standard file formats.  To simplify the 
analysis of the sequence (...).  You may capture and save a time 
sequence using the sequence acquisition controls (...).

Joerg Eriskat
Institut f. Chirurgische Forschung der Univ. Muenchen
Klinikum Grosshadern, 81366 Muenchen, Germany

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