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Richard Kerr kerrr at CRYPTIC.RCH.UNIMELB.EDU.AU
Thu May 23 21:52:57 EST 1996

>> An extraterrestrial being from a distant planet is forced to land  on earth
>>due to problems with his Wazooly. Being experienced in such devices you are
>>able to help him fix it so he can be on his way. Before taking off this
>>superior being from outer space gives you a strange device as a reward for
>>your help. He explains that  this device can cure all the health problems in
>>the world, prevent famines, stop wars, and provide happiness for all of
>>mankind. The question is what do you do with it?
>>       A)  You give it to the president of the US for use in this country
>>       B)  You give it to the Secretary of the United Nation for world use
>>       C)   You take it apart to see how it works
>as always, the answer is (D):the strange device is actually a colourless,
>tasteless, calorie -free powder, called Nutrasweet.
>This is the crucial tread that links Betty Martini with the vested
>interests of the anti-Wazoolian coalition (AWC, for those in the know).
>at last, the secret is revealed!!!! Hahahahaha (demonic laughter echoing
>into the depths of cyberspace.)
>>James Woodson (jwoodson at ucla.edu)
>>Dept. of Psychology - Behavioral Neuroscience
>>University of California at Los Angeles
>>405 Hilgard Ave.
>>Los Angeles, CA 90095

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