WARNING: Dendritic Spreading

Support Coalition - David Oaks dendron at efn.org
Thu May 23 12:55:18 EST 1996

On 21 May 1996, Kevin Spencer wrote:
> Support Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at efn.org> writes:
> [stuff snipped]
> >In the medical literature there are a few examples of psychiatrists taking
> >the pill to see what's like. The very first said she felt like she was
> >"dying." 
> [other such examples snipped]
> The problem with this argument is that you're describing the internal
> experiences of people who *don't need* the medication.  These drugs will
> have different effects on "normal" nervous systems than on nervous systems
> that are not "normal"

Ah, "normality" thy heart is cold. One of the "examples" you snipped is a 
study which found that people who refused neuroleptic drugs were more 
likely to be those who had experienced common physical problems with the 
drug. To refresh your memory about the citation that you snipped:


And what about what T. Van Putten, et al. said in the "Archives of
General Psychiatry" (35:480, 1978): "The reluctance to take
anti-psychotic medication was significantly associated with
extrapyramidal symptoms [trembling, drooling, rigidity, etc.],
most notably a subtle akathesia [restlessness]."


However, while your lapse in scientific/logical judgment is regrettable, 
the implications of your claiming us "diagnosed psychotics" somehow 
do not experience the discomforts of neuroleptics that "normals" would...
well, the implications are far too "normal." Because that is the 
state of things today. Let me try to heal "heal normality."

Yes, we feel. Yes, when my body was wracked from neuroleptic-induced 
muscle twisting, I felt it, it was traumatic, it was horrible. The real 
question is what is wrong with the nervous system of those called 
"normals" that they -- and you -- do not hear our cries of psychic and 
physical pain from these experiences. What internal gymnastics are your 
spirits taking, to not hear that, indeed, when you prick us with a 
neuroleptic injection, we may indeed feel tortured? To not even hear it
when (see above) I listed a citation which significantly associated 
these physical effects, with those who refused the drug (also, by 
the way, indicating that refusal is often grounded in reality). 

A recent article in the Journal of Mind and Behavior explores this issue 
more thoroughly. The author looks at WHY psychiatrists have avoided 
looking at the emotional repercussions of taking something that can feel 
so awful, that can cause blurry vision, restleness, pain, permanent 
twitching.... they ignore the emotional ramifications of what they do, 
although they are supposedly trained in the field. Why? Why indeed.
Perhaps we shall find the western world has severed its connection 
with its heart; how else could Columbus cut off the arms of those who did
not bring him gold? This heartlessness will not be seen under a 
microscope, though its results can be seen everywhere.

> Another poster asked you to desribe what this "dendritic spreading" is.
> Would you please describe it?

I'd suggest calling up Jill Taylor, and asking someone who has herself 
seen it with her own eyes, under a microscope: Phone 1-800-BRAIN-BANK. 
Though unfortunately Jill is hestitant to warn that these "changes" may 
be deleterious. Perhaps she thinks Haldol may prove to be the "smart 
drug" of the next millenium. 

But basically, a lot of the neuroleptic-induced "changes" in the brain 
have to do with the "rebound effect." When the neuroleptics suppress the 
dopamine receptors they "fight back," randomly creating more receptors. 

There are quite a few other brain changes caused by neuroleptics. These 
are confirmed by animal studies (thus screening out the common call, "Oh, 
it's because they're crazy.")

Again, a back issue of JMB included a lot of cites about the various 
neuroleptic-induced brain damages. Actual measurable brain shrinkage
is one of them.

In support & struggle,        David Oaks        <dendron at efn.org>

Support Coalition, Co-Coordinator / Dendron News, Editor
PO Box 11284     Eugene, Oregon      97440-3484      USA

Heal Normality web site: http://www.efn.org/~dendron/
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