Great Quotes in Neuroscience

James Kohl jkohl at vegas.infi.net
Wed May 22 22:37:29 EST 1996

"I think that we might fairly gauge the future of biological science, 
centuries ahead, by estimating the time it will take to reach a complete 
comprehensive understanding of odor. It may not seem a profound enough 
problem to dominate all the life sciences, but it contains, piece by 
piece, all the mysteries." --Lewis Thomas (1980) NEJM 302:p 732

Wish I'd said that! And, on a lesser follow-up note...

"Researchers are expected to report the first evidence that a 
long-forgotten sixth sense in humans may offer a new pathway to the brain 
for treating a long list of emotional and mental disorders." --Jerry 
Bishop, Wall Street Journal, April 11, 1996

Jim Kohl
author--The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality

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