Aspartame and Kids Vitamins

Betty Martini betty at noel.pd.org
Wed May 22 23:18:01 EST 1996

Please be alerted that they are now putting aspartame in regular food and 
even mixing it with sugar and Acef. K, another very dangerous product.
An example of that is Wrigley's Winterfresh gum.  It has all three and
when people see sugar they sometimes don't read any further.  Dr. H. J. 
Roberts says that gum with aspartame is particularly dangerous, having to 
do with the saliva and being close to the brain.  We notice people who 
use it seem to always have headaches.  Dr. Roberts says the headaches 
come from the wood alcohol (methanol).

Also, please everybody be alerted that aspartame is now in Fresca which 
is not diet, a product of the Coca Cola Company.  There is a PKU warning 
on it and it does say aspartame.  Since the patent has expired its 
generic, will not say NutraSweet, and there is no swirl.  However, they 
are now dispensing Fresca from machines and there is no warning of any 
kind on the machine that I saw today.  I worry some pregnant woman may 
use it and not know it contains aspartame and that it causes birth 
defects, if the baby survives at all.  According to Dr. Louis Elsas 
(Pediatric Professor - genetics, Emory University) testimony before 
Congress some years ago he explained how the phenylalanine can 
concentrate in the placenta and cause mental retardation.

We have a very serious, serious problem and we hope people will start 
writing Congress, the FDA, etc.  

Aspartame is now in baked goods, restaurant food, etc., unlabeled.  The 
FDA brochure said you can't heat aspartame, yet they turned right around 
and approved it in baked goods.  The breakdown products are a witches 
brew! And even when they originally approved aspartame in dry food what 
in the world did they think people were going to do with Equal except put 
it in hot tea and coffee!  

It's in so many kids vitamins its digusting.  For the past two days now 
it seems like most of the calls we're getting are people going blind from 
the wood alcohol content, and so many of them are so young!!  

Please take these products back to the store!


To get more information on aspartame, email betty at pd.org as follows:
Subject: sendme help   
The subject line must be typed exactly like the above line.
Betty Martini             1.  Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test
Mission Possible                 and send us your case history.
PO Box 28098              2.  Tell your doctor and your friends.
Atlanta GA  30358         3.  Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the store. 
USA                           (Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)

We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death 
and disability are no longer considered an acceptable cost of business.

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