I am a third year student at Imperial College London and as part of my
degree I have to do a dissertation. The subject that I choose was CDKs
and Cyclins. I intend to centre on the cell cycle for obvious reasons,
but try to bring in other areas in which cyclins are involved that may
not immediately be thought of as part of the cell cycle.
At the moment I have:
cell cycle,
involvement in phosphate uptake in yeast,
neurite outgrowth,
transcription machinery cyclins,
interaction with tyrosine kinase pathways e.g. growth factors,
possible involvement in once per cell cycle DNA replication.
I would also like to look at structure and homologies of cdks and cyclins
and the relevance to function.
Any help with good references, other areas of cyclin involvement or
comments and ideas on why cyclins are involved in processes outside the
cell cycle would be greatly appreciated.
# Stuart Montgomery Home Phone No.+44 (0)171 252 5754 #
# #
# Biochemistry Dept. #
# Imperial College #
# Exhibition Road E-mail= s.montgomery at ic.ac.uk #
# London SW7 2AY sm4 at bccmsa.bc.ic.ac.uk #