On Tue, 21 May 1996, Simon Schultz wrote:
> > I'm in the process of compiling a collection of great
> > quotes in Psychology, Neuroscience, etc., and hope that you can help me
> > out. If you have a favorite quote, no matter how obscure, contextual...
> > James Woodson (jwoodson at ucla.edu)
I have informed James Woodson of my favorite quote on the neurosciences,
taken from the popular arts. It's in a WAV format, fairly short file, and
you can download it yourself. It's by a "Dr. Cooper." The setting is that
Dr. Cooper is pressured to approve a Prozac-type drug, before actually
completing the testing of long-term hazards that his better sense tells
him he should; it's from a recent film:
In support & struggle, David Oaks <dendron at efn.org>
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