On Wed, 22 May 1996, Brad J. Harris wrote:
> >On Mon, 20 May 1996, Rogue 007 wrote:
> >> Support Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at efn.org> wrote:
> >> >1. Forcing neuroleptic drugs is common, both inside institutions
> >> >and on an outpatient basis, in the USA and internationally.
> >>
> >> 1a. This is because the mainstream media propagates the Big Lie that
> >> there is something ``evil'' about using antipsychotic meds for mental
> >> illness treatment.
> Support Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at efn.org> wrote:
> >THE ABOVE IS TOTAL MISINFORMATION: Mainstream medical literature itself
> >labels neuroleptics "dysphorogenic," that is, people don't generally like
> >to take it.
> >[Let] Rogue 007 post ONE example of mainstream media blasting
> >neuroleptics...
>> Please note that Rogue 007 refers to 'mainstream media,' while David
> Oaks speaks of 'mainstream medical literature.'
HELLO? The reason I cited "mainstream medical literature" was to show
that it is well known that neuroleptics are uncomfortable, and this is
the reason people choose not to take it... not because of an alleged
mainstream media conspiracy.
I note you're rather vague on those articles in mainstream media
supposedly "blasting" neuroleptics. So millions of psychiatric survivors
somehow got a hold of an obscure TIME magazine article, and presto,
THAT'S why they're refusing? Neuroleptic refusal goes back to the
1950's. Check out ads from back then for neuroleptics. Psychiatry was
constantly searching for ways to force the stuff on us. Ads for Haldol
even advertise that it's "liquid, colorless, odorless... can be added
to fruit juice and even water to aid compliance." Face it, you all
have utterly and totally lost this point: People don't want to take
neuroleptics for a variety of reasons, but the main one sure isn't
some media conspiracy. Even anything the media praises neuroleptics
over and over and over and over, a steady drum beat of a chemical
crusade; this society has put all their eggs in the neuroleptic
basket. What a horrible catastrophe.
> If Mr. Oaks would
> like us to believe that neuroleptic drugs are 'bad' he'll need to post
> examples of scientific articles that show ill effects.
It would help to quote me exactly. I've never said anything was "bad."
I've repeatedly stated I respect people's choices to take a neuroleptic
drug, as many of our members do. What I said is BAD is the coercion,
false and fraudulent informed consent, and force. That's what bad.
And apparently we disagree about that. It's a question of liberty.
And if you're looking for articles on neuroleptic hazards, why don't
you first start by just looking at the physicians desk reference,
and then looking up "tardive dyskinesia" in any good library. It's a
form of brain damage caused by neuroleptics that can result in permanent
> I apologize
> Mr. Oaks but I don't believe that 'neuronal changes' necessarily
> constitute an 'ill effect' being that this is the intended result when
> treating a psychotic patient.
Actually, the intent is to 'control the symptoms' of psychosis. Look it
up yourself.
If neuroleptics are causing brain changes, you can bet that the subjects
should be INFORMED of that.
You know what's amazing about some of these dialogues? I'll bet taxpayer
money is going to fund a lot of the researchers who defend forcing
neuroleptics, and reassure us they are harmless (or maybe even a new
'smart drug' that will help our brain change in good ways)... although
some of these folks apparently haven't even looked into the most basic
aspects of the substance. Talk about "big government" at work...
Well, we guinea pigs are revolting, and... we have e-mail!
In support & struggle, David Oaks <dendron at efn.org>
Support Coalition, Co-Coordinator / Dendron News, Editor
PO Box 11284 Eugene, Oregon 97440-3484 USA
Heal Normality web site: http://www.efn.org/~dendron/
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