Great Quotes in Neuroscience

Stephen R. Wicks swicks at unixg.ubc.ca
Wed May 22 19:38:41 EST 1996

> In article <v02130503adc7189c74a2@[]> jwoodson at ucla.edu 
> (James Woodson) writes:
>   I'm in the process of compiling a collection of great quotes in 
>  Psychology, Neuroscience, etc., and hope that you can help me 

Here's one I like...

	"And shall we esteem it worthy the labor of a philosopher to give us a 
true system of the planets and adjust the position and order of those 
remote bodies, while we affect to overlook those who, with so much 
success, delineate the parts of the mind in which we are so intimately 
																																	David Hume, p. 23


Hume, D. (1748, reprinted 1955) An inquiry concerning human 
understanding. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company.

And with respect to the roots of associationism...

"But notwithstanding the empire of the imagination, there is a secret 
tie or union among particular ideas which causes the mind to conjoin 
them more frequently together and makes the one, upon its appearance, 
introduce the other."

																																David Hume, p. 198
Hume, D. (1740, published anonymously, reprinted 1955) An Abstract of A 
Treatise of Human Nature. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company.

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